Traffic Lawyers Who Specialise In Defending Your Infringements And Traffic Offences

Proven Experience Defending Traffic Charges
Carl Edwards is a traffic lawyer with in excess of a decade of experience representing clients who have been charged with a large range of driving offences, including: driving whilst disqualified, careless driving, dangerous driving, speeding charges, loss of traction, drink driving and drug driving.
This experience also covers the serious offences of dangerous driving causing death, negligently causing serious injury, culpable driving and conduct endangering serious injury or life.
Our Guarantee – “Only A Senior Lawyer”
We guarantee that our clients are represented in court by a lawyer with years of criminal defence experience; not a graduate or junior lawyer. Our lawyers have been trained for over a decade, you are only paying for top representation. We also guarantee that only the principal Criminal Lawyers undertake legal work on cases – ensuring that our clients receive the highest quality representation.
Trusted Traffic Solicitors
As traffic solicitors our lawyers appear at the local Magistrates’ Courts closest to our service locations of Gold Coast, Tweed Heads and Cooloongatta. We regularly appear in relation to all manner of driving related offences, in the Magistrates and County Courts representing clients with charges ranging from culpable driving through to dangerous driving.
Legal matters relating to traffic law are often more complex than most people realise. Many people, including some high-profile lawyers, often fail to fully comprehend how Court, QLD and NSW Roads and the Road Safety Act interact. This understanding is critical to competent quality representation in defending your charges.
We Know What’s Important To You
At Carl Edwards Solicitor we fully understand that your driver’s licence is critically important to your livelihood and your family. We will always look at your case and do our utmost to ensure that the court does not interfere with your licence at all, or as a second option, to make sure that the licence loss is minimised. This is often dependent on the circumstances surrounding each case of course.